

No, this blog is actually not about food, rather what happened during lunch today... Okay, so this morning, I made a decently hearty breakfast, which -- as I customarily do -- carried to work with me to eat at my desk... I had some shit to do when I got in, so I was not able to eat it until damn near 9:30. Old annoying-ass is off today, so to make sure the department was not short anyone on lunch, I took mine early and I was FAR from hungry... "Fuck, I got a couple dollars and have an extra check coming this week, I will hit the spots and see what I can find with this hour of my life." Yes, I said that out loud, but I was in the car by myself, so no one heard me. I went by Tuesday Morning, Michaels and Target before heading back to the building... While in Tuesday Morning, I saw another of those 1955 SLR Mille Miglias, but left it there, instead getting... 1990 BMW 850i: Yes, I know that it may not fit the designs of what some might think of as a "OMG, BUY THAT ONE!!!&qu

Why am I awake at this insane hour?

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Let's Have a...

... FUNNY PICTURE DAY!!! This post will not include pictures of Chris Brown and Rihanna. (y'all know I have a thing for boobies and rubber duckies... Don't judge me!) (GO JOE!!!) ... fuck, I guess I lied about the Chris Brown thing. Oh well, I am surely hellbound for worse things than making fun of stupid people for doing stupid shit.