
Showing posts with the label kidnapping

True Story©... The (Mis-)Adventures of Yachty McYachtFace

  “Aye, whatchu got going on next weekend?” That is probably one of the most dangerously vague questions one can ask an individual like me.   The answer will depend PURELY on the remainder of information I am yet to have been provided. I’mma play along, though… “Nothin’ much…   Pinching pennies since we’re a single-and-a-quarter income household during the summer months when Wife Person™ doesn’t do summer school.”      There…   That should tell the person asking me that if they expect anything social to be taking place, that it had better dammit be free or they expect to pay for it.   Makes sense, right? “Well check, you think you can get away for a minute?   I am being invited to this lil timeshare presentation.   They gon’ put me up and feed me while there and say I can bring one guest with me.   I figured you might wanna get away for a weekend if shit is all paid for.   She can ask my wife, SHE can’t come with ...

True Story©… You Got Serb’d!

       I have been working from home since March 19 nd , 2020.   According to a designation I signed off on in January, that has gone from an indefinite designation to a permanent one. While it was still in “indefinite” status, I treated my working-from-home privileges with kid gloves.   This means I never log in late, I work sick if I have to and I do my damned job WILDLY efficiently.   To make a long story short I have my dogs, I can listen to podcasts and music on my speaker and not a pair of earbuds, my house has rarely been cleaner and my yard has never looked better.   I don’t like people enough to have to deal with them every day.      What that also means is that for that time, I operated with absolute PROTECTION of my work from home designation.   I insist on working in a front room with the blinds open so I can see when someone is coming.   This allows me to waive them off with an “I’m on the clock”...