Dads At War -- $ave on your Grocery Expen$e$
Today, I am teaching a lesson… This past weekend in line with the release of the Galaxy S4, I joked on the social networks about the unemployed people who have no actual income but always have money for new fly shit and how I stretch my money to make sure that I myself can afford at least some of the fly shit that I desire. Yeah, I was being TOTALLY judgmental. Well, one of the things that I mentioned doing is that I can make $100 worth of groceries last 3-5 weeks. I assure you that people on Facebook see what I am capable of cooking and eating more than those who may be trawling my blog. Rather than spend time on the humor in my taking these people to task, the conversation turned to just HOW in the hell I am making $100 go just THAT far. The rest of the conversation turned to me explaining how and why most of what people lose in their grocery budget goes right into the ...