True Story©… Surprise, Matriarch Fornicator!
I was in Vietnam. No, seriously, I was IN Vietnam! Read about it here and here , then come back and we will continue… Welcome back. The funniest of shit has happened since I have been home during this whole Rona situation… I sit and watch Maury every morning at 11 and then again every afternoon at 5, just to make sure people are still living more shittily than I am. One day a couple of weeks ago, just as it was going off and my lunch break was beginning, my wife was away at a meeting at her school. I threw on some shoes and set out to grab some Jamaican food for lunch, a Lyft stops in front of my house and blocks my departure. I hop out of the car prepared to throw hands in the street, and a guy jumps out of the car and yells “FATHER!!!” Now, a perhaps few of you know that I spent some of my 20s doing some bald-head-hoe shit, so the fact that something like this has not happened by now lands somewhere between being a surprise and of validat