I Apologize...

I apologize… I apologize to me. I apologize for thinking that a lack of attention equated to a dearth of people who cared. I apologize for going dark instead of continuing to chase a dream. I apologize for letting my output suffer while I felt like shit. I apologize to my work for neglecting it because I felt like shit. I apologize to my keyboard for apparently forgetting that she was apparently the only one that I could tell anything and everything. [ Phlip note : yes, my keyboards are all women] I apologize to both of my readers for--… No wait, I thank you both for sticking with me despite a complete lack of explanation. I apologize to myself for denying myself the practice necessary to get and be better at the one thing I have always wanted to do. Most importantly… I apologize for entertaining the suggestion that what I wanted to do was “stupid” (her words, not mine) and s...