
Showing posts with the label r. kelly

Hotep Heroes - Robert Sylvester Kelly

     It seems that R. Kelly has done it again. Every time he has some music about to come out lately, he seems to find himself mired in some scandal.  Not to say he has music coming out right now, but the industry thing has been surprise albums for the last couple years.  Let's run it down real quick...  Marrying a 15 year-old, peeing on other 15 year-olds on camera, admitting to being illiterate because he never had to learn to read, lord knows what else. But this latest “scandal” suggests that he at least has kept his mind on his past and is using it to form not only his future, but to create stronger Black family units in that future. We HEARD your eyes roll at that last sentence, but we think he might be onto something here.  As suggested in a poem a couple of weeks ago , strength in numbers is the foundation for the strong Black family unit.  A strong Black man and as many Black women as that man can handle and please physicall...