(8) Homelessness is a way to beat the recession
I was thinking for a while, that I could probably pull off being homeless for a few months... I would need: A post office box. A storage unit for all my "stuff" My car. A job (but not necessarily) A membership at a 24-hour gym Now that we have established those things, let us look at how this might work... See, my mail would come to the PO box, simple as that. That way I am still getting my stuff from work and the people with the storage unit, as well as the bill from my insurance company. Now, the way shit goes in NC, the only time you could pull this off would be from late March to September, when the night time weather allows you to live comfortably like this. Now, you sleep every night in the car outside of the gym, when bothered by any fuzz, just go IN the damned gym, workout for a couple minutes and all should be fine. Worried about smelling? Take a shower before you leave the gym, the showers are there for a reason. When the heat is off, camp out on one of the couch...