
Showing posts with the label love at first sight

True Story© Love at First Sight

True Story©…                 Do y’all believe in love at first sight? I used to. Like with about any situation one finds themselves soured on, my story begins with me in an unhealthy set of circumstances that didn’t end pretty and birthed a lack of trust in the process that would happen to endure through to the remainder of my adulthood. I might be so inclined to be angry at what happened, but I am largely to blame for it and I learned a lesson from it, so there is not a lot for me to be angered about…  I’m alive to tell the story, so at least there’s that. Enough of the setup, let’s talk about what happened… Back when I first got home from Vietnam, before I found myself in Guantanamo later in life, I happened to see this young lady waiting for the GTA one day on my way to work. Wait, I have something else to explain…  The way my situation at the time was, I had a license but not a car yet...