
Showing posts with the label 1999

Wayback - 1999 edition

You should both be familiar with my 1998 , 1996 and 1997 editions, and perhaps have noted that I will likely be doing one of these whenever the inclination hits me... I will not promise to keep them in order, as I have not to this point, only posting them whenever I feel like it. I will also not commit to how many or what years I will do here, as it is very much possible that I could be fully entrenched in WANTING to write something on a specific year, but left with nothing of special interest to write about in any particular depth. With the promises out of the way, let's look at 1999 in hip hop. January gave us only weak albums from Keith Murray and Foxy Brown, "It's a Beautiful Thing" and "Chyna Doll" respectively... This year is not off to a promising start to say the very least. February had me WIDE open, though... Robin at work (Lim's Menswear) was from Detroit and apparently knew something about the cats that came through Maurice Malone's Hi...