
Showing posts with the label politics

True Story©... Mr. President

  It has been a wild couple of weeks in America… President Biden, perhaps based on the fallout from how he handled the debate and frankly physical age, decided he would pass the mantle in the race for the presidency this cycle. What a VERY few people realize, though, is that Kamala was not his first choice to take the torch and run with it.  Believe it or not, I was!  Sunday before last, I am chillin on my couch when my phone rings… Me: “Hello?” Joe: “Phillip?  It’s Joe.” Me: “This shit ain’t funny, my granddaddy died in 1980.” Joe: “Joe Biden…” Me: “Oh, that makes more sense–… wait, what!?” Joe: “Yes, as in president Joe Biden.” Me: “Whatever the FBI guy watching me has told you–…” Joe: “… nevermind that, that’s not why I’m calling.” Me: “So what’s up?” Joe: “As you may well know, I have spent basically two-thirds of my life in public service and elected office.” Me: “Mhmm…” Joe: “And, frankly, it is time for me to bow out.” Me: “I’ve been reading that and do not disagree.  But wh

True Story©… 16 Days

      16 days… As previously discussed, I voted for the 23 th time on October 17 st …   I knew when I LAST voted that I would be voting for someone I am not particularly a fan of.   I cannot rightfully bitch about the goings on of things that could potentially swayed by voting, so I strapped on my Nike Airs and did it.      Seventeen days after I voted early was official election day.   It would be four days after THAT when we would have an actual projected winner. “Projected,” the operative word in that sentence is “projected.”   What we are used to on election night every major election year is the winner projected by the Associated Press aggregated from the districts reporting their results, with a declaration made as soon as simple mathematics leaves it that the leader cannot be caught.   It has been that way since the advent of long distance telephony and has been more efficient since the ubiquity of the interwebs.      Why, then, in the dry fuck are we still sixteen days

Donny Got Barz©… The Recount

       The man is clearly unhinged… We watched and kept refreshing on our phones this past week/end in wait for the Associated Press to update the electoral count so we could know if we were in for another four years, or primed for a new regime.      Funny is how, during that time, he himself already claimed victory despite numbers first indicating nothing, and then trending the other direction hard and fast. That would give way to WILD claims completely not rooted in anything nearing reality.      In the days since, we have seen those numbers continue to trend against him, and his response has not been to face the actual music, but to continue to create his own reality. As entertaining as that may so have been, I luckily woke up before work yesterday and tuned into the special back channel Twitter feed to see if ol’ 45 had taken to his golden toilet sharpening up his battle raps in preparation for the next few months before the Secret Service has to physically remove him from t


  July 14, 1997… I walked into an NC DMV and got my no-longer-a-kid license.   The one with facial hair, a stamp that didn’t peg me for being under 18 and reflecting a height that reflected my last adolescent growth spurt. I also registered to vote.      In the interceding 23 years, I have not missed one single opportunity to inform myself and vote in every single election.   I have avoided being arrested for or convicted of anything that would jeopardize my right to vote.   I avoided being less than informed on issues that would drive who I should vote for, even in a land before ubiquitous internetting and unsolicited (or solicited!) text messaging.   Every first Tuesday after the first Monday of every November, I got my ass up and went and participated.   When Early Voting became a thing in my mid-to-late 20s, I chose a favorite polling location – one alternative one now – and have not missed an opportunity to vote early since.      I have seen election seasons come and go.  

Hotep Politics... Run Oprah Run!!!

     Look, we didn’t watch the Golden Globes, but we have also been looking in on the news in its wake.  Apparently my third wife in waiting Oprah Winfrey gave a moving speech in which she took Hollyweird to task for its misgivings in unauthorized diddling. Read it here .      The speech was seen as one of those moments that touches off an apparent run toward the presidency and in an Amerikkka where it is no longer necessary to BE a politician to become a politician, the internets has gone nutso.      And we support this, full heartedly.  No, seriously, we are ALL the way here for this.  We’ll offer up a few reasons why… 1 – Her net worth is higher than 45 can readily prove his is…      She could offer not to take a salary as president and actually tangibly follow through with it. 2 – She started that school for girls in Afrika…      Shows she is about the cause for brown people, more than any president prior to her.  If self-proclaimed Hotepest Hotep Gawdt Supreme

Donny Got Barz... A Hero Is Much Much More than a Sandwich

     It seems that this “president” and his ghost writers are at it again…     It was a rough week for the guy, opening up on some indictments of people close to his campaign, released in waves to kneecap his attempts to downplay them – and attempt he did. Apparently, though, his handlers – or as “handled” as someone like him will allow himself to be – have finally convinced him to shut the fuck up about ongoing things that could tear his ass later, even if placed on the back-channel protected tweets. …  that didn’t stop him from going in on some of his favorite subjects though…      Suffice it to say, whoever is writing for the man – and we know he can’t be writing these himself – is serving him some better material these day. As the chances that this whole Mueller thing will snake its way up his organization and eventually see him resigning or removed from office, it is probably best he begin working on his recording career.

True Story©... The Wrath of 45 -- Clapback Season

As some of you may or may not be aware of, Eminem came out of whatever this retirement thing he has been apparently in and out of to rain hellfire and damnation on the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue at the BET Awards Tuesday night. If you did not see it live or have not viewed it in your FB feed since airing, here it is: After that happened, my social media timelines were on fire with people wondering JUST how (or if) 45 would respond.  I’m bullshitting, everyone just KNEW he would, it was a matter of when.  If you follow me on FaceBook, you have seen 45 direct his ire at various opponents in rap battles, presented through his WILDLY active Twitter.  Apparently, he also has a SPECIAL Twitter account that only allows certain Tweets to be seen by certain people. Well, he responded to Em on THAT channel and BOY did he go in!      It seems to me that The Notorious DJT (or his ghost writer) is not to be trifled with by the likes

Not my President... Not Yours Either

Your president is not the president of any party. He is not the president of independents either. He is the president of himself. Not to be tied by the boundaries of proper decorum or common decency. Not to be bothered with the opinions of people who know what they are doing. Do you REALLY expect someone who claims to have all of the answers to take any instruction? Nothing about him suggests that he gives enough of a fuck about anyone in this nation unless there is something in it for him. Look how quick he was to walk back as much of his repudiation of Neo Nazis and such as he could to maintain what little support he has. Look at how he has majorities in all major halls of government and, to date, has not one single legislative accomplishment. Look at how he has had more turnover in his cabinet than a fucking McDonald’s. Look at how he responds to even the mildest constructive criticism. Look at how he can’t even keep friends inside of his “own” (see above, he isn’
1,461 Days

Jay-Z, Obama and Magna Carta... Holy Grail

A non-secret is that Jay-Z has money and a lot of it.  It is rumored that his net worth is more than that of a certain Willard Mittens Romney.  Incredible, as Romney got his on the back of a wealthy daddy helping to provide the best education money could provide and Shawn Carter is doing so without even a high school diploma to speak of.  Another non-secret or meme within the rap world is that those with money – even a little bit of it – walk around with it under their arms to use a metaphor.  “If you have it, show it” they say.  In exacting this, a theme that frequently gets pulled is “I ain’t even GOT to rap,” as if we didn’t already know that it was rap that got them there in the first place. Anyway, never mind that…  Today, we’re talking about Jay-Z and his new album.  After the past 18 years of his life in rap, it is established that he, in fact, DOESN’T have to rap – or probably even ever work again – and his great-grandchildren will die wealthy too.  In spite of that fa

How America Could Have BENEFITED from "Fiscal Cliff" Negotiations

(fiscal Cliff, get it?)             With all this “fiscal cliff” talk, I was thinking that even though there WAS some kind of agreement reached, that what we the American people will be given will be of no real benefit to us.  With that said, our elected government that is supposed to be “by the people, for the people” will continue to be shown as anything but. I think I could propose a better solution, one that keeps the American people involved and interested in the process, as well as subsidizing the process in and of itself at the same time.  The Huffington Post reports that the exchanges between Harry Reid and John Boehner became quite heated, with each accusing one another of being more about their party than the common good of the American people.  It is said that at least twice that Boehner told Reid “go fuck yourself.” [ link ]             To be totally honest, I would have gladly paid this $5 bill I have in my pocket right now to witness this taking place.  S