Phlip, the Conspiracy Theorist...
You know what? What if these damned nutjobs are actually right? What if, by some already (and often) disputed and refuted chance, Obama was actually NOT a citizen? No, stay with me here... Jamal and I were talking a couple weeks ago and thought of some situations that MIGHT make this wholly possible that he is not a natural born citizen... Yep, that's EXACTLY right.... Because his poor mom and dad of terrorist descent both knew that in 50 years time, he would be president. So they conspired with the Hawaii state government to smuggle baby Obama in from Kenya and forge several documents stating he was born there, including two Hawaiian newspapers. This goes not to mention that this ALL went down before Hawaii was even a state, so he is automatically disqualified, which furthers the ruse in that that it means that Obama is probably at least 10 years older than the 48 that he claims to be. That's right, folks this would also make him a draft dodger. Damn him, that unamerican, up...