Sonia Sotomayor should not be confirmed...

One reason, two words...
Jeffrey Deskovic

I will let Jeffrey tell his story himself.
Click here to read it

For those of you too lazy to read it, here's the cliffs...

Jeffrey is tried and convicted of a rape he did not commit...
Naturally, Jeffrey appeals...
The conviction was achieved through illegal means, and DNA evidence would have exonerated him...
Misinformation given to his lawyer as related to the filing of his papers led to them arriving late...
Did I mention that DNA evidence and the fact that HIS DNA was not ON the broad would have exonerated him?
Sonia Sotomayor, based on the fact that his petition was late, refused to hear his case...
The US Supreme Court, based on her decision, REFUSED to hear his case and he spent SIX MORE YEARS in jail...

Look, I am not exactly pleased with some of Barry's choices in office to this point, but the appointment of someone who would send ONE innocent person to have his life ruined in that manner sits terribly wrong with me.
I know that the hearings are racially tinged and they're laying some TERRIBLY unfair shit on her right now. Know what? NOTHING they're giving her is as unfair as GOING TO JAIL FOR A RAPE YOU COULDN'T HAVE FUCKING COMMITTED.
What about Troy Davis in Georgia? What happens to him? I am terribly worried as to what she might allow to happen if she is confirmed, and NONE of my concerns relate to her being a sassy latina chica, having an inherent grudge against the sanctity of American whiteness or any of the shit they seem to want to make issues in the hearings. Perhaps if they paid attention to her actual track record, and not that she treated lawyers like the pieces of shit they usually are or that she is a bit of a hot head, or god fucking forbid that she has some "'splaining to do," perhaps they would have what they need to NOT get her confirmed.
Again, second time this week I find myself possibly knowing too much to know anything at all.

Dear Sonia Sotomayor, you may suck my ass.


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