(**) Phlip -- 30 for 30
Double star bonus coverage this time, legendary people weren't supposed to die in the middle of my month, dammit. Sometime in the middle of March, I decided that in April I would set about the task of posting EVERY day for a solid month, just to see if I could pull it off. I'd have my go-to moves, what with talking sports and music, cooking a time or two if it comes to that and there is always crossing my fingers and hoping some shit pops off in the news. I used the birthday of a favorite musician of mine as well as my disdain for a purely American (and wholly fucking BORING) sport, as I have time and again. Anyway... Taking a cue, or just lifting the name from what has become one of my favorite documentary series of the past several years -- like since Ken Burns' Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson -- I went on a tear of 30 for 30; to get at least one post up every day for the 30 days of April. Simply put, I made great use of my drafts a...