In the kitchen with Phlip -- oven-crispy catfish nuggets
The sweet thing about this post will be how little it actually wound up costing. I honestly had no plans when I went to the store to make it, but when I walked past the fish, it was priced so perfectly that I could not have left it there. I went into the store with intentions on getting something simple and inexpensive to cook and it was ABOUT to involve some chicken and probably potatoes, but then this happened. Cast of characters… 3 small packages of farm-raised catfish (wild catfish are fucking disgusting bottom feeders) nuggets ($1.33, $1.35 and $1.45, respectively): ½ cup of lemon or lime juice ($1.79 for the bottle): Call your mom on the way home from the store and raid her cupboard for a few handfuls of Jingos and cheez-it crackers ($0.00): ½ cup vinaigrette of your choosing ($0.00, already in the house): Seasonings of your choosing ($0.00, already in the house): (no...