The peace-bringing power of breasts (safe for work)
Listen to some sects of society and people like me might be considered a “perve” because I happen to make a point of NOT missing a chance to appreciate a nice pair of boobies. Well, I happen to think that fact makes me a “connoisseur,” and not a pervert. My brother and a couple of good friends agree with that sentiment. Well, today, I am adding “humanitarian” to my list of duties. Today, I present a solution to the problem that is violence throughout the nation these days, and I call it “titties for peace.” No, stay with me, here. Have you EVER met a (straight) man and a lot of women too who could stay on their chosen topic when he happened to encounter some “surprise” titties? See, using that nugget of information we would be able to reasonably stop crime right at their respective sources. Hell, this SHOULD be wildly effectiv...