Anyone Out There?
This is as much for me as it is for you… Given family history, a period of undiagnosed depression and a healthy/unhealthy fondness for fermented beverages, I am full aware that my mind will one day begin to slip. I was reading some articles a few years ago that explained the connection of creative activities (writing, art, etc…) and the slowing of the process. [ link1 ] [ link2 ] [ link3 ] Knowing what I know at 38 and of sound mind to think of it, I intend to stretch this process for as long as I physically can. As long as I have my eyesight and my hands can perform the action of typing, I am going to keep writing. Even if I don’t make a dime doing it, the value gained from preserving my future for as long as I can makes it worth it. I know I can’t realistically expect my audience to be my forever audience, and as a middle child I am more than adjusted to this. Given the information taken from the above links, I am of the mind that continuing