Is it Trickin'? Lessons from our Elders

You ever listen to two old men bragging about being sugar daddies? Like that is some shit to be PROUD of? I am getting gas on my way to my sister’s a couple Sundays ago. The station I went to was one of those Asian-owned joints with the illegal video poker machines in the corner. Stationed at two of the five machines were two old (65-70ish) men, each nursing a Miller Lite (before noon on a Sunday!) and chatting each other up the way boys tend to do when they’re drinking and playing. I was grabbing a drink for myself in addition to gas, so I had to go right by the duo and their conversation was HILARIOUS to me. My nosy ass slow-walked to the case and fiddled with my phone for a reason to listen to them trying to impress one another for women that weren't around anyway. #1: “Sheeeeeit, n**ga. I got me a coupla dem young tenders right now. Them young girls love me man!” #2: “I hear you” #...