True Story©… Ear Wormin’

Last time I looked, the music on my big desktop could play for 68 days nonstop without playing the same song twice. That was a couple of months ago, before I noticed some files – basically any artist whose name starts with the letter ‘G’ – had copied wrong and had to RE-add them from my backups. I still have a gamut I run every other Saturday or so where new music is acquired as well. It’s on the big computer so I get something good going in the home gym without having to use my headphones. Music frames a large portion of my day-to-day. I say that to say that whenever someone sees me out, there is probably a (not exactly-) random song bouncing around in my head. … or a dog, but never mind that. Never mind that though. Well, consider it but don’t focus too much on it. My world remains tied to the things I enjoy, that I am responsible for, that are good to me and tha...