Writing About Writing Vol. 18... A True Story about "True Story©"
This was all one big happy-ass accident… On a random Thursday (September 1 nd ) in 2016, at 7:30am, I logged onto The BookFace and made a silly little status about God-knows-what. I started it with the term True Story©… Doing so forced people’s eyes onto the status, then only a few dozen words long to have them get all the way through the story to realize I was ABSOLUTELY bullshitting. It was such a hit at the time, with the comment thread lasting for days, that I decided on the next Thursday to do it again. Rinse, repeat and so on and so-forth. With practice, the statuses got longer and longer – perhaps at the danger of being too long for social media. Now y’all know why I am procedurally MARRIED to Thursday morning at 7:30am. After a few weeks of this, I remembered that I do have and had since neglected a blog that I could be using for this… Say Less™… Natural next step was to UN-neglect the blog. I could come on back home and ma...