April 15 -- The reason no one can wear #42 in baseball
Look, I know it is documented, my distaste for baseball... there is no denying, however, that it is the second most commercially viable sport in the United States right now, NFL Labor problems notwithstanding... But! I would greatly and unfairly be underplaying the necessity of the contribution of Jackie Robinson – and what it did to pave the way for April 8th’s topic – if I let my disdain for the sport he happened to play at the time to keep me from speaking on it. That said, the influence spilled over to other professional sports in the US as well. I mean, if the most popular at the time sport is taking on black players, then it is only natural that the others fall in line. I will not go into the outcome in terms of established majorities in said sports to date. People often ask me what my favorite baseball team is, and while my answer is usually something in the neighborhood of “fuck baseball,” if I had to choose one, it would probably be the Dodgers for the very act of the chan