True Story©… Best Laid Plans

Despite roughly a year of shooting my shot, I am unfortunately still not rich… The closest I have come was with my crypto bets, which if I had trusted more at the time, would have been more lucrative. Who can forget when I was curb serving the city all the available Plan B back at Valentine's Day? Beyond that, my lawn hustle is doing me pretty well. Live and learn, I know. I have been accosted by several police officers over the course of the ‘Rona year and I can only be thankful that the wife person was around to talk me out of an arrest or – more likely – roadside execution. It’s been fun though. I have been places (sort of) and met people (from six feet away) and somehow have come off with more money than I might have under other conditions. Wait… “somehow”? There is no mystery involved. I work from home, I am buying literally a third of the gas...