
Showing posts with the label pause

Observations from the road...

After having passed through SC on my way to and from Florida last week, I am convinced that the signs entering the state should read "Welcome to South Carolina... [no homo]" if only for the amount of proud touting of Cock in this state. Wait, stay with me here, now. I know some of the two of you are not from the Southeast and might not make the connection of what that means, so I will have to explain it to you. The University of South Carolina , located in the state capitol of Columbia, is mascoted (no, that is not a real word yet, but context clues help) by Cocky, the Gamecock. For those of you not familiar, a Gamecock is a rooster bred for Cockfighting, which is NOTHING compared to sword fighting, make sure you remember that fact and the above link on the chance someone invites you to visit/witness a cockfight. Also, cockfighting is illegal in the United States, so I would strongly suggest that you turn down any invites to see any such, lest you could be speaking to a fede...

Football observations, brought on by The Katie...

That's right, I am partially blaming this one on her. A large strengthening part of my relationship with the Katie is that she is genuinely interested in the sports that I am. Well, at least Basketball and Football, but we can work on road racing later. Anyways, this means that on given evenings (Wed-Fri to be exact), we will be watching -- or at least listening to background noise comprised of -- NBA games together. The onset of the NCAA season will add college games to that on Mondays and Tuesdays, then the end of NFL football will see the oncoming of NBA ball on Sunday afternoons. [ Phlip note - tell me I don't plan ahead for these things and mean it] Normally when one splices a scribe with an "anyways," he is returning back to the task at hand from a slight (or not so slight) digression, but being the asshole that I am, I am making a point of drawing your attention to the fact that I did not, while going further off into the rabbit hole. I will not apolo...

You, HEY YOU!!! Yes, I'm talking to you!

What the fuck is it with you people and the word "swagger"? I am pretty sure that the word was about something else -- Sherman Helmsley's walk on "The Jeffersons" comes to mind immediately -- but somehow it has become some shit about dudes peacocking around in hopes of being "hated on" by other dudes. Let us not forget that is also a name shared with a terrible smelling deodorant by Old Spice, a company that normally does better than that shit. Of course, in the same vein, we are bludgeoned into thoughts of "Swagga Like Us," where the supposed best rapper on the track is outdone by everyone else on it not including the 'non rapper' of the quintet (5 people if you count the M.I.A. sample, the clear star of the show). What's worse is that one of them did it with AutoTune, but why go there? You know what else? This "swag" shit is the tie that binds the rappers that actually (or "purportedly," dependent upon who yo...