"History Issues"... a conversation
This one came from the suggestion of The Katie... Last night, when she came in from work, she started -- before even addressing the dogs – “hey, I have an idea for a question of the day.” I think she had heard it on the radio or somewhere between work, class and then home. At first I was not sure about it, but when I got here this morning, I decided that such a discussion might help the day along, I logged into the Book of Face from my communications device on the way in to work and asked… “Question of the day… How many prior partners/relationships is too many?” I thought, knowing what I know about my friends on the Book of Face, that this would be a damned interesting conversation. By the time I was seated at my desk, I had my first response from high school classmate, Tim, with… "Don't ask don't tell no one really wants to know and if you do tell they think your lying so keep it on the hush " Next respondent was former coworker, Ulrica with… "Lol!@ Tim ...