True Story©... Feeding Trolls
I’m not a person you want to know is on your nerves or you don’t like… At the big-ass age of 44 years and 356 days (this is a leap year), I got over the “try to make it right” shit sometime around the near-death experiences in 2003 and 2018. You don’t like me? Cool, I don’t particularly care for me either, but I love myself more than would allow me to stress myself to baldness over it, like ya mama did. To be completely honest, when I find out someone doesn’t like me – especially if I am already less-than-warm on them – I am moreso looking at how to make it WORSE than to try rectifying shit. Die mad. Y’all wanna know something funny about Al Gore’s Rhythm on the interwebs? Once you have interacted with someone/something – be it positive or negative – you’re more likely to come back across them/it when you’re online. Bear that in mind when that one asshole you seem to always find yourself disagreeing with on a mutual friend’s posts. ...