
Showing posts with the label revolution

True Story©... The Shit-In

     I am a lover of breasts.  This is documented on the internet. Trust me. No, seriously, trust me. Sunday September 17 th , I--… No, wait…  Did y’all ever catch my piece on about FB Groups?  Here it is , check it out and come back.      Okay.  Sunday September 17 th , I am chilling at the end of my Sunday, slightly dented from family time activities on the one day of the week I really allow myself to do such things keeping in line with weight loss goals.  Dammit, I am careening off topic again.  It is the end of the evening, about 9pm and I am winding down after getting the mini in the bed.  I hops on FB and into one of my favorite groups, which you can infer on the contents of based upon the above-linked 2015 post.      I share an image to the group which MIGHT (or perhaps might not…  we will never know now, will we?) have prominently displayed lady ...