True Story©... Better Traphouses and Bandos

Life is fucking hilarious sometimes… Back on 05/20, I was invited into a one on one with my manager and HER manager and informed that I was being furloughed on 05/26 and that it would last until 08/30. The way things were in play with unemployment eligibility and leave time payout, things were not framed to be as bad as one might have thought they should be. I ain’t living like that though. I know two speeds: “control” and “motherfucking panic.” That said, I was NOT prepared to do anything short of wilding the fuck out. I finished the week and collected my holiday pay for Memorial Day, then came the panic. I woke every day at my normal time, made my omelet and sat down to the computer and hopped on the Google machine to see if I could locate the name of someone who could put me in the direction of generating some income doing something I know how to do. That said...