
Showing posts with the label trolling

True Story©... Feeding Trolls

       I’m not a person you want to know is on your nerves or you don’t like… At the big-ass age of 44 years and 356 days (this is a leap year), I got over the “try to make it right” shit sometime around the near-death experiences in 2003 and 2018. You don’t like me? Cool, I don’t particularly care for me either, but I love myself more than would allow me to stress myself to baldness over it, like ya mama did. To be completely honest, when I find out someone doesn’t like me – especially if I am already less-than-warm on them – I am moreso looking at how to make it WORSE than to try rectifying shit. Die mad.      Y’all wanna know something funny about Al Gore’s Rhythm on the interwebs? Once you have interacted with someone/something – be it positive or negative – you’re more likely to come back across them/it when you’re online. Bear that in mind when that one asshole you seem to always find yourself disagreeing with on a mutual friend’s posts. ...

True Story©… Is this thing on?

       I’m a middle child… When that is brought up in certain company, “but you’re a twin” is a response, but I am the oldest twin in birth order out of three of us total.   I am a middle child and that is absolutely a thing whether accepted or not.      I say all that to say that I am pretty damn used to people forgetting to pay attention to me.   Not to cry into my beer over or anything, as it is 7:30am and work starts in a few minutes.      My wife has grown scared of introducing me to the uninitiated… “Why?” I hear you asking.   Because I have grown SO accustomed to people either not listening to what I am saying, or even still not taking any of it seriously when they have listened that I tend to blurt things out as if I have automatically inferred that they won’t be listening – or worse still, I will say some wild shit to test them.   Not necessarily to troll people or anything, but really...

True Story©... Trolling for entertainment

True Story©…                 Apparently, it has become a more obvious fact over the past 3.5ish years that I can be a bit of a nihilist.  I mean, like, MORE of a nihilist and somehow I am okay with that, like to the point where I have sharpened my ability to needle someone with the simplest of words without cursing or raising my voice, yet driving them to both. My favorite place to do this – as observed by my brother and cousins – is on the comment threads under a third involved party’s FaceBook post.  That third party usually knows me well enough to know when I am being serious, silly  or just fucking with someone.  The fun part is when they lay back and let it happen.                 Anyway, True Story© time… Scene 1: One day back in the winter, I was in an especially Trolly mood and logged into my favori...