True Story©... Banned for Life
I am no longer allowed to enter the hardware store nearest my house… “Why?” you ask? Well it has a great deal to do with the fact that my idle hands are often, in fact, the devil’s playground. We will make that sentence make sense in a little while, but first we gotta explain that I get A LOT of time off of work every year and I have to use it or lose it. We’ve discussed this and what I often do with that time before. What is only apparent to people who are connected to me either very personally or on FaceBook is that every summer I take what I have come to call “birthcation,” wherein I do not work my full time job at all on the week of my birthday. July 1rd was my 45st birthday ($callmephlip if you’re still feeling residually gifty, I celebrate all month) and I was naturally scheduled off of work-work the whole week. Rather than spend big money GOING anywhere, I used the time to relax and work on some household projects in between my random acts o...