
Showing posts with the label get rich quick

True Story©... The Bakery

     It seems that these days you can’t swing a cat without hitting a “bakery refuses same-sex couple” byline in the news.  They ALWAYS end ugly, with the same-sex couple suing under anti-discrimination grounds and the bakery citing religious freedom and first amendment protections on their part.  Sure, their first amendment protections specifically suggest “fuck your first amendment protection up the ass” (pun totally intended), but no one seems to have time to explore that element.      Following my ouster over titties and my inability to get up the funding through the generosity of others more recently, I decided that I have been spending too much time trying to create a niche that did not yet exist when I could have been working more diligently at exploiting one that was right in my face. Sure, I don’t exactly bake very well and my oven in the house is only so big, but I can follow simple enough directions and I had myself an idea…      …  I am going to EXCLUSIVELY

True Story©... The Big Payoff pt I

     Okay, so I bombed the fuck out in that interview a couple of weeks ago and no one came to my defense financially.  I was left with little recourse.  I was forced with the ideas of either franchising my dick or flipping what little money I did have into the streets.      Well there’s a couple of problems with those… 1 – Franchising my weewee, even if in a COMPLETELY professional manner, would be in violation of my home situation and things could become less than cool. and… 2 – I don’t know the people I once knew to just go all Breaking Bad and shit.      So I am left to use what I got to get where I want. And man, FUCK am I far from “where I want” right now.  Shit, I even tried to rob Santa Claus ! Wayment… That’s IT!      Sanctions on North Korea to make them poorer have ATTEMPTED to shackle their trade of one of their main commodities; coal.  Since I landed myself on the permanent naughty list with the aforementioned attempt to jux Santa, I someh

True Story©... I am going to open a luxury vape lounge!

True Story©…  A Luxury Vaping Lounge                 One of these days I will come up with one of these schemes and make enough money to not have to work with people who actually hate my guts and talk behind my back. There are a great many things I happen to dislike intensely, one of them is the smell of smoke and the fervor for the acquisition of such in those who consume it.  It is not enough that smoke is one of my worst asthma triggers as it is, but the smell of stale smoke in the car or house of someone who smokes often in closed areas. Never mind that, there is a worse version of smoker, even with the smell abated a bit. "Vapers” I call them “vape douches” or “vape bros.”                 One of my theories is that the LAST thing I want to have to do to someone is to EVER have to pay them, even worse to pay them on my own volition.  Something about having to contribute to something I DETEST irks me to my very soul, not terribly dissimilar to my tax dollars ha