
Showing posts with the label photo phun

Photo randomness

I been writing a lot of... Well... Words and shit for the last 6 weeks or so, I am gonna kick out some random images here. Not gonna keep you long this time. Do you like fishsticks? In your mouth? What are you, a gay fish? See?!!? I TOLD y'all!!! Jesus, PLEASE take the wheel!!! Wow... That's all I can say. Anybody that knows me know that I have a soft spot for boobies, and a weakness for pasta (hell, I need to make spaghetti again soon), but mixing the two? I almost ready to die and meet my maker... ... okay, NOW I have apparently died and gone to heaven! Fuck the "prices" part of this equation, that is a bin of fucking watermelons, and my brown-people sensibilities kick in and I am in a state of nirvana. I can't imagine what in the hell they were doing making deaf people kiss fists for, but it is obvious that we were traveling in the direction that would allow us to soon find out. Yes, that says 505°... At 10:32am on September the damned 12th. What you don't

Why grown men should not be equipped with camera phones...

... at least perverted asshole grown men like myself. Killing time between lunch and the movie with The Katie yesterday, we kinda strolled the mall, for lack of anything better to really do. Wandered into Spencer's and their "irresponsible fratboy" t-shirts were especially funny to me for some reason. What was funny about this is that I am laughing at and photographing these with my girlfriend standing next to me, laughing with me, or at something unrelated but equally irresponsible. I knew I was keeping her around for something.