
'Bout damned time!

Yeah, I promised over on the MySpace Blog that this was coming, and now is the time... For a long time, I told myself that I would not be the one to maintain a journal, or a blog, then I looked up one day and had a few readers, a while later I had more, up to the current count of 23 (yes, 23, in the face of my "7 readers" joke). I think that means that people are either waiting patiently for my implosion or are actually interested in my usually random-assed rants and off-color humor. I noticed as well that while my MySpace PAGE had 7 thousand and something views, my MySpace BLOG was nearing 11k. As a writer, I liked the exposure and my page and blog are both public for that very reason. I will still maintain the page, of course, as I do like to openly converse with folks because, well frankly, MySpace has a few hundred million members, basically an open network for the attention one may need. My blogs there will more than likely be cross posts from here from now on. You can