
Phlip and his camera - State Fair edition.

State Fair has been on since the 10th, today was the last of it... We had been TRYING to get to it, but with rain the first weekend, chilly last weekend and full time employment keeping us away from it during the week, we had not made it yet. Kicked around the text messages and Facebook exchange between the Katie and I with my best friend and my sister's (as in "the best friend of my sister," I only have one and would NEVER pluralize with an apostrophe), we decided that this afternoon would be the time to make it happen. Woke up this morning and whipped up breakfast -- hash brown casserole with diced potatoes, onions, turkey sausage, eggs and cheese (I really should have blogged that one, it was early, sue me) -- then commenced to taking a nap and starving myself all damned day. I was gonna GET me a fuckin' turkey leg when I got to that damned fair. I have been so close to getting one and doing it the whole time it has been around. Anyways, we met Victoria and a coupl

2008 - "Stop the world, I want to get off!"

-Metaphor: noun (uncountable) ( rhetoric ) The use of a word or phrase to refer to something that it isn't, invoking a direct similarity between the word or phrase used and the thing described, and without the words "like" or "as". (countable) The word or phrase used in this way. An implied comparison. I need to learn you folks something for a moment here... In Greek mythology, Sisyphus [ Phlip note - Wikipedia link, that] was a king punished in Tartarus by being cursed to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity. The word sisyphean means, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, "endless and unavailing, as labor or a task." Sisyphus was son of the king Aeolus of Thessaly and Enarete, and the founder and first king of Ephyra (Corinth). He was the father of Glaucus by the nymph Merope, and the grandfather of Bellerophon. Sisyphus promoted navigation and commerce, but was avar

2007 - the year being a hip hop fan became HARD work

How does that saying go about doing the same shit and expecting different results? Well, I am about to run down 2007 in hip hop, and I am less than thrilled at the prospect that it will be any better than 2006 was before it. Again, I am with the same feeling coming in that I do not specifically recall any huge hits coming into the year. Somehow, that worries the shit out of me. There was not much special in my personal life to mark the releases of this year, at least not that I can recall. "Turning 28" is not one of those things one sits and expounds on the virtues of, much like the letter 'c'. All that being said, why don't I just get on into it? January Ultramagnetic MCs start us off with The Best Kept Secret , which I merely downloaded for the sake of history. Same applies for X-Clan's Return From Mecca , the difference being that Ultramagnetic is still on my hard drive. The savior of this month, however was Sean Price's Jesus Price Superstar . [ Phlip

the 2006 spot in my hip hop discussion

2006, now... I am at a crossroads that sees me changing jobs twice (February, then December) in one year -- something I had not done twice in the 8 years before it -- and meeting new and purging old people from my life. In such, I cannot terribly remember or really know what to expect of this year's releases. In such, I am without a real introduction, as I will be newly taking it all in right now. January I could use this space to comment on the virtues of the letter 'c' (word to Gil Scott-Heron), because damned if anything came out this month. I won't, though... I will just mention Tha Alkoholiks' Firewater , then move on to the next month. February J. Dilla released Donuts on Feb. 7 and we lost him 3 days later, I was less than fucking pleased with this fact (his passing, not the album). Aceyalone's Magnificent City led off, followed by Dilated Peoples' (a group name even my mother likes, and she hates rap for no apparent reason) 20/20 . Dem Franchise Bo

2003 - the year 50 Cent changed hip hop

Ahh, good ol' 2003... Godzilla and Mothra fucked me up good , then I spent the entire summer at home going crazy talking to Dutchess and playing video games and shit. The summer drew to a close with the introduction of my Little Buddy into the world, so I guess all is well that ends well. I am thinking coming into this and I specifically remember some HUGE releases that came out this year, much to the point where I am looking forward to writing this. I am so looking forward to it, I am skipping the rest of the intro and getting right down to it. January You know, I don't know if I should take this as an omen, or the calm before the storm? ... February ... Ho... Lee... SHIT!!! Okay, we'd all heard "How to Rob" and the industry's responses to it. Eminem and Dre caught lightning in a bottle, packaged it for sale with a liberal smathering of pre-release hype/buzz and 50 Cent's Get Rich or Die Tryin' would go on to forever change how we do this hip hop shi

Hip Hop History discussion - 2001

Hmm... 2001... Bought the 95. Kelli left Greensboro in mid-May, I sulked from then til November, barely pausing to notice 9/11, as I had bigger fish to fry. Went back to school, age 21/22 this year and settling into a bit of this strip club habit, with some influence from a newly-18-years-old someone whose mother and sister can actually read this, so names are not given. Met one of my best friends -- who is subscribed to this blog -- this year as well... Factoring all into this, 2001 was not a BAD year, and the music I can remember based upon what I type before cracking open Google, Wikipedia and Amazon to work on this piece serves to that, even if I don't list a fucking TON of albums here. Noteworthy as well is that I was PARTIALLY sloshed this year too. Not as bad as 2002 before this blog, but very much intoxificated, a state I have surely been in a constant state of since age 19... Damn, no extra lining here, time for battle. January What. The. FUCK?!!? Daz Dillinger and JT The

2005 - another step in the hip hop history discussion

As promised, we're now to discuss the year 2005. I am back in business, got a car to replace the one Godzilla and Mothra ruined, removed the drivetrain and replaced it all with newer (still mostly stock) stuff. Still working a million hours of overtime for a company that I am increasingly believing hates all of it's employees, but hey. I am still making money to be able to afford music, which means that all is right with the world, if only be means of having at least one constant. 2005 in terms of "my life" was a very short year, mainly because of my pouring on ridiculous hours, only breaking for a trip to Atlanta in May, so there is not a lot to it OTHER than music. For instance, we were now well over 2 years into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which conspired to drive the prices of gas up, then Katrina happened and gas REALLY went up, not coming back down for 3 more fucking years. This blog being what it is, we speak specifically hip hop music. My faith in that t