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1,030 Days

True Story©... Friends for Life

(I promise, this will make sense soon enough) “Marlon…  Why does it feel like you’re setting me up for some shit?” “Chill, Phlip, we GOT this…  I have a plan, dude!”      My best-laid plans normally come from the WORST of places.  I don’t know if this is a good or a bad thing, but I s’pect it has a lot to do with why Marlon and I have remained friends for the last 17 years and I am sure that it is precisely where Moe Phillips came from.      For all this time I have known Marlon, he has only “met” Moe twice.  I am more than sure that their first encounter is one of the major reasons we have managed to remain friends for so long despite the shit we have been doing to one another for so long.      It was 2002…  I had just broken up with an ex.  It wasn’t an UGLY breakup so to say; just that she was not from here and when she graduated college, I was still in and her daddy had already paid for her to go to Law School in Texas.  We made shit work long distance fo
1,031 Days


     As ever, got dragged into a discussion on The BookFace that started about one thing and went WAAAAY off the wrong way from there.  Someone who had previously been exposed and roasted as a flaming racist in a conversation that was since deleted jumps into another to assume that he has been baited and continue his shit. I guess he was inferring and not assuming, but oh well. Anyway…      The second conversation goes off the deep end and somehow it turns from his passive-aggressive “I can’t be racist, I helped a black couple move a couch once” racism to his stance on abortion rights, which were flatly disgusting. Now aware of the dicketry of his views, we tend to screen shot his shit before he has had a chance to delete.  Here is a sampling of the kind of shit he is capable of:      Needless to say, when someone is immolating in wrongness that they refuse to acknowledge but not being let off the hook by ANYONE, they tend to burn down in their own bullshit.  By th
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