
Showing posts with the label writing

Writing About Writing Vol 2

     I am a great many things… ·          Reader ·          Writer ·          Alcoholic ·          Obsessive personality ·          Pervert ·          Supervillain Most importantly to these things is that I am a planner.  I LOVE to write creatively, evidenced by what you all read every Thursday here at 7:30am.      In a conversation with the tallest person I personally know on Wednesday following my Tom Hanks piece, I explained a piece of my creative process, and the response I got was more or less “holy fuck dude, REALLY?!!?” and a followup that I should probably be giving some kind of seminar on that shit.      It’s Sunday, my birthday was yesterday and I am chilling with my loves right now.  I feel like writing about writing. Specifically, I will talk about my creative process.  What will come as a surprise to those of you (if there are any of you) is that EVERYTHING I pour into a story is planned to be there as presented.  More important is the fact t

Writing About Writing Vol 1

I can’t draw very well. Likewise for painting. I ain’t much of a photographer or videographer. I suck with PhotoShop. I am pretty decent with a Digital Audio Workstation, but I am shy about my music. I write… I write a LOT (well, more than I had in the last five years). And to be totally honest with you, my handwriting is pretty shitty too! When I write, I like to think can I close my eyes and see the people and places that I am telling of in the stories.  I try to order my words in a manner that the two of you can see the people places and things I am talking about as well. I swear this gives everyone a different perspective of each story, everyone taking something different from it altogether.  Sometime that “something different” is far from what I even saw while writing. More than anything, though, these last 8ish months has shown me I can have fun with this again.  Sure, I am down to once a week with a little something here and there in between, but

True Story© Life at the Drawing Board

I write…      I know, if you’re reading this now, you have likely been here for a great many of the past 7 and one half months of Thursdays and already knew this fact.  I am apparently pretty decent at this “fictional creativity” thing.  It is a nerve I have been actively scratching for over 10 years, verifiable from the blog attached to a MySpace account I have not logged into in years and continued right here on this one.  It has manifest one unpublished novel and dozens upon dozens of short stories.  One could go as far as to say that it is a dream job of mine that I have never managed to bring to fruition.      I am also an asshole… I will have an idea for something and my sense of humor will send the whole thing on a hard fast left and I find myself in a spot that I might not have INTENDED to be in, but have to deal with culpability for creating for myself. I was once contacted in response to one of my stories about possibly writing commercials for various brands

Wish me luck!

            Two years ago, 10/30/2010, I emailed two friends with an idea I had knocking around in my head.  Both told me that it seemed like a good idea at the time and that I should pursue it. Well in the months that followed, I would find out that another member of my family was coming and all of the panicked planning that comes with such things and I had kind of forgotten about the idea.             Operative words: “kind of,” as no idea is ever fully killed.  Fast forward to 9/10/2012, I was in a conversation with a third friend (mutual to the first two) about something totally unrelated.  The conversation turned to books we might write, and I explained to him my idea and how I had been basically sitting on it.  His first response was “that kinda sounds like a movie,” and when I lamented that I knew not where I would take the story, as in how to present everything that happens after the conflict (really trying to talk myself out of it), I was more or less told that I am