
"You me, and Wii... What's it gonna be, baby?"

The more I hear about some peoples’ relationshits, the better and better I feel about my own… As a great many of the two of you may have been informed via text message – or notice from wall postings on FaceBook – I was given my Christmas present early this year when The Katie bought me a PlayStation 3 two weeks ago. The first night I got it, a Monday, my brother and I hooked it to the Vizio, set up PSN accounts and profiles and all that goodness, but I did not play the damned thing until Wednesday after work… I took notice, though, some mention of the short-sighted of the world questioning the wisdom of her decision to give it to me. The question was of the gift in general, not of the time frame of the giving of it. I would go on to hear stories that were always of one of two extremes… Male: man, it got to the point where I only play after she goes to bed or I am home alone, she complains about me playing any time I LOOK at it. Female: I don’t know WHY she gave you that thing, you go

"Guilty Pleasures"... a conversation

Thought of this one in the shower a few days back, then forgot to post it for 2 days at least… Just thought to do it from the phone just now. Curiosity fully piqued, I figured that I would ask the people… “Question of the day… What is/are your guilty pleasure/pleasures?” Yeah, this one should be EXTRA fun, provided the people actually play along. First respondent was former coworker/longtime friend-of-a-friend Lynette, with… "Cheeseburgers...smh..." The next response was from the homie/forum member Mel , with… "The Twilight Series and Vampire Diaries." Next respondent asked to remain anonymous, and came with… “You know what? If it is truly a pleasure then I am not guilty about it. I correct people on the most minor of things. I wait for people to show an opinion on something, then disagree vehemently even if I do so while claiming to have no real opinion. If anyone is enjoying anything that I happen not to, I must tell them how stupid they are for it, even if I si

Making a case against the necessity of literacy...

[ preemptive Phlip note - I know the title of this blog is made ironic by its very location and medium... I got a chuckle out of it] Not that 31 is “old,” but I know I had more time to read when I was younger… Strange thing, that, seeing as how up to about 25 years old, I easily doubled the number of hours “worked” (counting being in class from 8am-1:40pm, then working 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week and 4-5 hours two others – overtime is a BEAST) compared to right now. Another thing I had more time and money for at the time was music, so much that the two hobbies’ time spent would more often than not intersect. No worries about many other things, considering the internets still sucked at the time as it were. All we HAD was music, Playstation and books. I moved into my house last August and closed on it in October (see previous blog for details on how that worked out), but I had not moved all my stuff in until damn near April of this year. Even now, one year and almost 2 weeks afte

Double Parkin'

So, I am pulling into the lot on lunch just a few minutes ago… It is Monday so the lot is full of course. This will mean I have to park in the back. Once there, I notice a peculiarity… Well, we all know I don’t like peculiarities, so I had to adjust where I had positioned my car as a result. I would hate for this guy's 'Vette to get all lonely in the corner of the parking lot. Hey, at least I parked MINE in one space, a real space at that. If I wake up one day afraid to be a dick to those who deserve it, I will be terribly disappointed in what I’d become.

New Technique...

Yeah, I been seeing those credit repair/"fix your credit thingies" in different flavors around town for a LONG time, and I actually gave a little thought to using one of them last year, the vagueness of them worried me out of blowing my cash. Here’s the thing, though… Like a great many colored folks, I was once young/dumb and in such kinda loose with my credit. All I knew is that I was given some payment devices and I would go on to use them without thinking about who would pay them and when. I have learned the error of my way. I set about the task of fixing the problem and making proper decisions and building proper habits. It was also an effective deterrent that I was made deathly afraid of credit by my prior fuckups. As a great many of the two of you know, this approach – with some luck and an assist from a credit card company that has since closed their doors – led to my repairing that magic number that too few understand properly well enough to score a deed to some prop

Lowered expectations

I have been made to spend more time than I might fancy listening to things that I just can’t make myself like, damning any attempts to or against it as of late… For the past 5ish weeks, I been back at one of my old places of employment, this time on a part-time/seasonal basis, slinging negro clothing goods in varying levels of bad taste and egregious cost. That is not what this post is about… Anyway, I am working with, save for the manager of the store, people who are 5-12 years younger than me, so suffice it to say that our tastes in music greatly vary. Three times over the course of these weeks have I heard something played from the stack of CDs in the store that I would listen to at home with one being a J. Cole mixtape that I downloaded when I did get home. With that in mind, I brought in another one I’d found and brought it into the store and would never hear it again except for in my home or my car. What, then, are we made to listen to? Never mind, now, that 10 ye

Photo Phun -- Why Phlip dislikes brown folks

Subtitle to this blog should be "just because you CAN doesn't mean that you SHOULD" When I leave my house, I have a camera with me. Even if that camera is attached to the phone. If I am photographing you, it is not always a good thing. Hell, it is RARELY a good thing to be totally honest. Yes, someone is SLEEPING in that mattress in the mall parking lot. What's funny is that these beyond-means-living fuckers more often than not drive these automotive abominations home to their apartments (or their mama's house in some cases) and somehow this is OKAY to them. Phlip hates brown people, neverminding that he happens to be black himself.

First 2010-11 NBA Season post

Let’s talk basketball, peoples. The season begins this coming Tuesday and I couldn't be a bit happier. I do not claim to be some clairvoyant individual able to predict the future, but I do lay claims to being several things. Among them… An asshole A Laker fan A connoisseur of all fine things related to titties and professional basketball, one of these things will be expounded upon in this post. Articulate enough to talk/write about it. That said, what happens here are not necessarily predictions, rather just my opinion of how things will play out. You know what? I am getting my boldest statement out of the way right at the outset… The Los Angeles Clippers will make the playoffs this season. There, I said it… Card-carrying lifelong Lakers fan just told the both of you that the first round of the Western Conference Playoffs will NOT leave the Staples Center this year. It felt weird typing it, but I really mean it. With a presumed-to-be-healthy Blake Griffin, no Elton Brand on board,

Album Review -- Chaundon: "No Excuses"

I’d be lying through my teeth keyboard if I told you that this review was fair, unbiased and without preloaded fanship of the reviewed… No, this is not to become a glowing review of a close personal friend, moreso one that I enter with the HOPE that it will be a glowing review of someone whose work I have come to love. No, don’t know the dude personally, though we have met a couple or 3 times at shows around the state, and have exchanged messages through various social networking mediums (MySpace/FaceBook/Twitter, yeah all of them, lol) down through it all. That said, this is EASILY my most anticipated album of 2010 so far of any genre, and WILL be only the 3rd album I put down my hard-earned $10 or less for single-disc albums at FYE when it releases next Tuesday – the same day that my Lakers commence their title defense – no matter the outcome of my review. Individual mileage may vary. If entertainment derived from his first album Carnage – which was released before I started thi

"How ya like me now"... a conversation

This is another one that The Katie came into the house with after work last night… Sometimes she does that and I spend a whole day thinking of reasons NOT to do it, only to see that it is actually an entertaining idea. So here we go… Question of the day… You’re doing a whole lot better SINCE your ex(es) than you ever were when actually with them. Do you rub their faces in it or keep quiet? First response came from the homie Jamal, with… “Quiet” Next came friend since late 1991 Brice, with… “You add them as a friend on facebook! LOL” Next was former coworker, Toi, with… “Rub it in their face especially if they kept telling you that wouldn’t do better without them” Next was former coworker Portia, adding onto Toi's response, with… “Or tell that blabber mouth ‘mutual’ friend! lol” After her was friend of a friend Joi, with… “if you're truly better without them then your happiness shines through and you don't have to brag... it comes across as trying to show the