
True Story©... A Million First Dates

     There are always times that people can be tested.  Apparently being a people watcher and all-around curmudgeon all of these years has made me pretty good at testing people for their commitment to what is important to me. Sure, there was the one time I messed that up, but we all slip here and there and it is best that we simply learn from it and get on with our lives. Anyway…      You know what is worse than a first date in general?  A BAD first date?  For every first date that ends in surprise sex that you didn’t have to ASK her for will be the one who has printed a list of terroristic demands that she has come up with with the assistance of her miserable friends who want to make sure she stays miserable with them. For every lunch date that turns into 3 hours chilling in the park, there is the one who complains about the restaurant and every other little thing she can come up to in her short-sighted-ass conversation. These are the ones you can’t WAIT to end. But wh
1,204 Days

Hotep Proposals

     We’ve gone on about the need for the strong Black family unit capitalizing on the fact that potential queens outnumber available kings by a wide margin.  No need to present any figures on that one, just believe it. Or research it yourself and come back here when you’re ready.      Heck, we even wrote a beautiful  poem  about it one time. But the question seems to remain for some reason, “how?” We’ve decided that today will be the day we focus on the answer to that question.      First thing’s first… You have to find the first one and work from there.  Meet her wherever you meet women.  The mall,  Wal Mart  Target, HBCU Homecomings, churches, WHEREVER. That’s the easy part.  The hard part, now is getting her on board with your vision.  You’re going to have to sell her some dreams.  “Dreams,” as things so happen to be, are pretty much standard.  The house and kids things are a good place to start. Once she is in the fold, the task of getting more qu
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They're Hungry

…  but do NOT feed the monkeys!      We’re gonna talk about social media today… What if I told you that RIGHT now and just about every day, there is someone who peruses your FaceBook profile to see what you’re complaining about?  They’re looking to see what ill has befallen you over the course of your day.  They’re looking to see what bad luck has come your direction. They FEED off of it, they need it because it is easier to feast on the ills in other people’s lives than to do something about those in their own.  Depending on the level of petty or deep-seeded hatred this person may have for you, they are also quite pleased that it is specifically you having this particular conundrum.      So don’t give it to them. Let them starve.  Misery loves company and will create it from whatever strings it can grasp to do so, even in places where it is only perceived and doesn’t actually really exist.  You know your issues, and more importantly you should know your circle.  You kno
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