
Showing posts with the label politics

2012 Election, The Aftermath pt II

With all eyes on the door to the room, in walks New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie. Chris Christie: “Hi guys!” Mitt: “You sonofabitch! Why the hell did you have to give that--… *looks at Allen West*   Why did you give him a damned reacharound on national TV?” Christie: “Easy, Mittens… I am a sitting Governor, and I have PEOPLE to govern.  If my PEOPLE are in need of help after a natural disaster a week before it gets cold, it serves my own best interest to not be the only house in the state with electricity  Election year politics be damned.” Romney: “But, but… you made him look like a GOOD president!” Christie: “Unfortunate timing I know, but at that moment he WAS doing what good Presidents do.  By the way… I figured you guys might be a little hungry since it IS 4 in the morning, so I brought some donuts.  5 of them are gone, but I only ate 4 myself.  Ron Paul looked pitiful out there, so I gave him the strawberry one out in the hallway.” West: “SHIT!  Strawber

2012 Election, the Aftermath pt I

As a matter of fair warning; my imagination is apparently one of the most dangerous places on this planet. This morning (well, the morning as of when I type this sentence – 7:39pm on Sunday November 11 th ), while I was cutting my grass I had this strange idea related to the fact that we have not much heard from Mitt Romney or anyone in his camp in the days since his failure to make good on his ascension to the office that he apparently felt that he was entitled to.  I do not recall how long it was before we heard from Old Man River John McCain in 2008, and I didn’t care how long it was with Gore and Kerry in 2000 and 2004, respectively.      This morning, my imagination intervened and created a situation that serves it that politicians and their ilk are these vast teams of supervillains, who sit around at large marble conference room tables and make conspiratorial plans to take off their rivals, and that each failed attempt – like last Tuesday’s embarrassment – represents

States want to secede… I say experiment starting with Texas

(so you telling me they been IN America the whole time… and they wanna LEAVE?!) So apparently some people are a bit salty about Obama having won the election and CITIZENS (not the people in charge, mind you) have taken to petitioning The White House to peacefully grant their states secession. Honestly, comparatively few people are actually taking this seriously. Many people signing the petitions don’t even live IN the states petitioning to secede in the first place. As I understand and as of when I type this, 19 states have such petitions in place with Louisiana and Texas being the largest to do so and naturally having the largest number of participants. Granted, neither has the 25,000 signatures needed to warrant a response from The White House yet, but it will be interesting to see how this plays out. In the meantime, I came up with an idea. Start off by granting ONE state their request. For this to work, it will have to be a Border State – I am thinking Texas

Life in "Post-Racial" America, 2012 Election Edition

            In 2008, I was not connected to any of the social networks that I am currently plugged into other than this blog.  Then, MySpace still (kind of) mattered and I still used it.  I had not yet started to use FaceBook and at the time REFUSED to use Twitter.  I am inclined to think, at times, that my life was actually better for it.             See, in 2008 I remember exactly how Election Day went for me.  I woke up, went to work, then home for a moment then to the gym.  I had already voted early and therefore missed the crowds at the polls.  I stayed in the gym for longer than usual because they’d started reporting from the districts with their counts up really early, and that included several of the so-called “battleground” states with heavier Electoral College counts.  It was no later than 9pm that it was becoming obvious who had won the election and the tenor around the gym – say in about 90% or more of the people actually there – was positive.  There were tho

Phlip fixes our problems with the election

            2012, an election year… As it is an election year, it was ALSO an Olympics year.  Of late, as in the last 4 weeks we have witnessed a few Presidential/Vice-Presidential debates.  To be totally honest, the debates were the most contentious and therefore entertaining that I have seen in my voting life.  At 33 years of age, this will have been the 4 th election I have been able to legally vote in (and I have voted in each, for the record) and that fact got me to thinking.             The Electoral College renders votes in some states more valuable than others, and that has caused some people to simply decide not to bother with voting at all.  Strangely, as I mentioned on another site last week, those “I ain’t gonna vote” votes have a newfound value to the people who want you to vote for Romney simply because he isn’t black Obama.             Ever the revolutionary, I daydreamed a means of making the whole voting contest as entertaining as these were – more ente

(21) Samuel L Jackson for president

What with a health care "reform" that I am not sure I can all the way be on board for or even benefit from, based upon my understanding of it and the lack of tangible change otherwise to the noticeable good of the whole of the American public. Things being as they are, barring some major changes, I am not all the way sure I will want to vote for Barack Obama in 2012... I thought about this long and hard. His being black(ish) had less to do with it to me than it did to others -- whether they admit it or not -- compared to him being the lesser of evils at the time when I went in to vote back in October 2008. One MIGHT think that the GOP, given a clear and concise view of what the voting public is and isn't fucking fed up with, would be foolish to drop the ball again and in such, will not be coming with another weak-ass candidate or a vice candidate who will damn the whole campaign. That would ONLY be if someone involved is smart enough to learn from mistakes -- or epic phai

The "fuel to the fire" files -- Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize?!!?

No, I do not believe that ANY President of The United States of America should even be NOMINATED for the Nobel Peace prize, being that we're one of the most needlessly militarized countries ON. THIS. PLANET... Never even bother MINDING that he has not yet accomplished the major issues that he set out to when we all handed him the keys to the car back in January. So what, then WAS he nominated for? "The Nobel Committee lauded the change in global mood wrought by Obama's calls for peace and cooperation but recognized initiatives that have yet to bear fruit: reducing the world stock of nuclear arms, easing American conflicts with Muslim nations and strengthening the U.S. role in combating climate change. "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," Jagland said. Obama's election and foreign policy moves caused a dramatic improvement in the image of the U.S. around th

Phlip, the Conspiracy Theorist...

You know what? What if these damned nutjobs are actually right? What if, by some already (and often) disputed and refuted chance, Obama was actually NOT a citizen? No, stay with me here... Jamal and I were talking a couple weeks ago and thought of some situations that MIGHT make this wholly possible that he is not a natural born citizen... Yep, that's EXACTLY right.... Because his poor mom and dad of terrorist descent both knew that in 50 years time, he would be president. So they conspired with the Hawaii state government to smuggle baby Obama in from Kenya and forge several documents stating he was born there, including two Hawaiian newspapers. This goes not to mention that this ALL went down before Hawaii was even a state, so he is automatically disqualified, which furthers the ruse in that that it means that Obama is probably at least 10 years older than the 48 that he claims to be. That's right, folks this would also make him a draft dodger. Damn him, that unamerican, up