
Showing posts with the label black people love chicken

Hotep Hollywood... Burn, Hollyweird, Burn

     …  and it couldn’t be happening to a better group of people. We’ve reached a juncture where Karma is showing up to the door and is fully prepared to collect her dues.  The motion picture industry has never been a friend of brown people and has actively sought to use its pull to keep brown people under its thumb.  Look no further than our Hotep Hollywood label for a running count of their fuckery.      I don’t think I need to chronicle every name that has been embroiled in a scandal surrounding things ranging from unwanted sexual advances through more egregious sexual harassment all the way up to and including – sometimes at the same time (!!!) – sexual assault and pedophilia.      Well the chickens are coming to roost.  You can’t do EVERYONE wrong all the time and expect that shit to just get swept under the rug.  Not terribly dissimilar to what has happened to the most of professional sports wherein brown people are seeing themselves better represented in respo

Phood Phun with Phlip... Picture Me Casserolin'

     Tupac quotes notwithstanding, this recipe came from a straight-up “damn, I miss […]” place. Substituting vegetable items in the place of starches like rice and potatoes is all cool and all until you make something very nearly DEMANDING that item.      Enter: riced cauliflower.  You can make it yourself with a fresh cauliflower and a coarse grater or you can buy it at your local grocer frozen for a premium on convenience.  If you have an Aldi where you live, which pretty much most of us do these days, BUY IT THERE for half the price of the big stores.  No, it is not rice, but it fills the spot like we needed it to.      Enough of the introductions, let’s get down to fooding. For this otherwise pretty easy dish, you will need: 1 cup each, onion/pepper mix and mushrooms (it's under there, trust me) 1 bag riced cauliflower 1 bag, frozen spinach 1 small package of boneless skinless chicken, diced and cooked 1 bag, cheese of your choosing OH, and... 1 cup, he

Phood Phun with Phlip -- Stuffed Cornish Hens

     First, she beat me up and told me “you got the blog tonight” before leaving the house for work. Don’t tell anyone I said that.      In the fridge, there was a couple of weird little chicken things Rock Cornish Hens, plenty of frozen veggies and a lot of imagination.  I spent a day looking into how I could do this and found this beautiful idea to stuff them with rice and veggies. But we ain’t using rice, because we ain’t living like that.      You will need: 2 – no, one…  more on that later – Cornish Hens 1 cup riced cauliflower 1 cup diced onion/mirepoix – she beat me again in protest of the frozen one 1 cup frozen spinach or collard greens Clean the hens, pat them dry with a paper towel and rub them down with olive oil: Season them up and set them aside in the fridge while you work on the stuffing.  Stuffing is as simple as sautéing the vegetables in butter: While sautéing, season with a teaspoon sage – to give a Thanksgiving’y

Hotep Hollywood... "Black Friend™" vs. "Friend who is Black"

     “There is no way I could be racist, some of my best friends are black!” is what they say when some greasy shit has been said or they’ve been caught agreeing with 45 about kneeling for the anthem.      Cruel fact: that “… some of my best friends” black friend is not even a friend at all.  He/she is some brown person – who might actually not even be black! – that the person who has found themselves cornered in conversation used to work with, or went to school with, or whose sister he tried to fuck in college.  That “friend” has never been to their house, eaten their food, met their family or played spades with them. There is nothing honorable about being the “black friend,” it is a token position for which there is no real benefit… -    Will the cops not shoot you first if y’all get into some shit out in the world? -    Would their great-grandfather not kick someone out of the family if you dated their sister? -    Have they ever ACTUALLY attempted to properly pronoun

Phood Phun with Phl--.. no, with Mimi. Steak and Chicken Duxelle

Round three of Mimi’s trifecta now.      Why I am spoiled: Because she is willing to make a meal two ways at one time because I don’t eat beef. This sauce is pretty straightforward, though. 2tbsp butter ½ cup heavy cream 1 cup chicken broth 1tbsp garlic 1tsp thyme 1 cup chopped mushroom ½ cup chopped onions You will also need a decent-sized steak and two boneless/skinless chicken breasts. We are going to operate on the inference that you know how to cook meat in a pan, but we will at least include a couple of pictures of the process. (yes, that is cooking in butter) (cook your steak to your desired temperature, remove from the heat and let it rest) Now back to that sauce. With the butter, sauté the mushrooms and onions: Now everyone else in the pool. Simmer until the sauce begins to thicken.   You’ll call it thick enough when it coats the back of your spoon:  Slice up your meat, place on

In the Hotep Army...

(okay, so maybe not quite like that)      Look, the man doesn’t know how to pronounce “Niger” anyway, and that is why he isn’t talking about it. That and he knows he is dead ass wrong.  He knows he is discussing a deceased Black soldier who died on some bullshit caused by some executive branch fuckery and now the executive branch is searching hard for a scapegoat, as they are often wont to do. And since the favorite scapegoat wasn’t the one who banned travel from Chad to the US, causing Chad to pull assistance from the fight with the jihadists, Obama cannot be blamed for the four dead American soldiers. Funny how that works out, no?      What is weird, though, is that a great many of us STILL don’t know the names of the three other dead soldiers, or what they look like.  I shouldn’t have had to Google to find a post with all the contained information , itself only posted less than a day before I typed this sentence. What we don’t have, however, are coverage of B

Phood Phun with Phlip... Pan-Seared Salmon and Tropical Hollandaise

Scene two of Mimi’s trifecta last weekend…                 We wanted some good breakfast, but by the time breakfast rolled around we weren’t hungry, so we made it and basically ate it for lunch.  This is a take on some things we have done before, with the eggs and hollandaise, and with the salmon as well (though I usually bake it). Enough with the lining, let’s get to business here. 1.5lb salmon fillet, or two nice-sized ones. The sauce/paste – to be brushed on and set aside – for it is: 1.5tbsp tropical sazon 2tbsp olive oil zest of one lemon and juice of half of that lemon.  Keep the other half, for… Hollandaise: … the OTHER half of that lemon’s juice 2 egg yolks – don’t discard those whites, they can still be mixed in with the scrambled eggs. pinch of salt ¼ tsp tropical sazon ¼ cup of butter Start with the butter, melt it in the microwave in 10-second intervals until it is melted, but not cooking. scramble the egg yolks, s