Weekend additions

Up at insane hour, ran through pictures taken from the weekend's acquisitions...

Good ol' fashioned 4-fer this time, for the weekend...

BMW M6 Convertible:

1958 Chevy Impala:

And now, I will work with my hands...

1969 Dodge Charger R/T

Let us see what we're up against:

Engine and interior installed:

Fun fact about that engine, it is not any carbureted V-8 that SHOULD appear in a car like this, rather a Fuel-Injected V-10, like in a VIper. Interesting.

Cockpit installed:

Sit the frame down on it and twist a couple screws:

Chose the brushed wheels instead of the chrome, and we were all done:

Now get back in that box!!!

Lamborghini Murcielago:

What are we up against, here:

Doors and dash on:

Interior together...:

... and installed:

Decision time:

... I'm gonna go with the chrome.

And like that, we're all done:

Get back in that box!!!


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