"I'm on a boat," pt VI, the 'last port of call' edition

This is to be our last "stop" on this trip, and it is to another place that I have been before, but again this should not be a problem at all, as I enjoyed my time here the first time.
Luckily, it was not as hot this time as it had been 2 years prior. Having been here also provided the enviable position of knowing generally where shit was as well, making navigation of the very small area we were situated in quite easy as well.

12/04/2009 Cozumel, Mexico

0846 - Awake and into el bano, not due to arrive until about 10am, but the map on channel 19 tells me that we're close and are actually slowing down as if close to port.

0930 - Breakfast buffet. I am still less than thrilled at the fact that I cannot find any real cheese on this fuxing buffet. On our way in to the cafe, Linda and Cornelia were already on their way down to the gangway to get the city out of the way.

1000 -

So, this is how it goes... I knew this 2 years ago when I was on the Carnival Valor this same week.

Wait, pause, I took this picture while in Cozumel from less than 50 yards away:

Yes, the last cruise I went on was on THAT ship, not one like it, not one from that company... I was on THAT fuxing ship.
See, up to this point in the cruise, the best experience of any endeavor out of the country has included my time on the above-pictured ship. I am loyal to the Carnival Valor and simply biding my time on any others until I experience one to take her place.


2 years ago, this nipply creature was a frog, I promise you... I think I took a picture with it then, but I will need to find that.

1150 - Enough of this walking shit, it is getting hotter out here, let's go back to the ship and enjoy some air conditioning. Once back in the room, I take a nap and Katie showers.

1435 - Lunchtime at the buffet.

1545 - On the deck taking turns dozing off and playing games watching the silly people being silly.

1615 - Katie takes her turn at naptime and I spin channels a while, then venture out for a beer and some adventures around the ship.

1808 - I am back in the room and she is still sleeping, I lay my stuff out to take a shower and dress for dinner.

1925 - I actually get in that shower, and sit down and make out a 'to do' list of things for when we get back home.

1939 - Dress for dinner, we head down for a drink before heading to the dining room, nothing terribly outstanding happened during dinner tonight.

2220 - Back to the room to change out of dinner clothes. This guy waits for us:

2230 - Lakers vs. Heat on ESPN, I could hang around a while.

2248 - I doze the fux off, SHIT!!!



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