Donny Got Barz -- BANAL Sex

Must have been a slow news week for the president.  Well, there is the very real reality of a wholly avoidable church shooting that totally happened on his watch, the issue of an electorate that is rebelling against him as evidenced in the outcomes of many off-year elections around the country and the fact that this tax plan is very obviously an expensive “fuck you” to most Americans.

So, he refrained from talking about most of that in the news this week.  I checked the back-channel Twitter to see what he and his ghost writers were cooking up this week and it appears that they were pretty silent on the issues this week too.  A bunch of weird sexual double entendres, not much more of substance…

Banal sex…

Banal. Fucking. Sex?!!?

     I would be inclined to think this set was pretty soft overall, but those two words may have saved the entire species.


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