Aeromotive Pr0ns - North American Aviation P-51 Mustang

Maiden Voyage - 1940

Introduction - 1942

The "P" stands for "pursuit," and we all know that Mustangs are supposedly pretty fleet-footed horses. Hell, Ford would even name their flagship car after this plane 20 years later.
The P-51D was outfitted with a supercharged V-1650 engine and 3 pair of Browning .50 in machine guns. Yes, by the time one of these guys was on you, you were pretty much FUCKED!
Top speed of 437MPH, cruising speed of 362 and stall speed (meaning when the wings are ineffective at keeping it in the air) of 100, they went into service, as named above in 1942, gained stronghold and dominance on the competition in 1944, and remained in SERVICE (as in people USED them!) until 1984.
For a 1930s-designed plane to still be used THAT long says big things for it's utility and effectiveness. Sometimes nowadays you can catch them on The Speed Channel -- or on ESPN at 3am -- dolled up in Red Bull logos weaving in and out of 20-foot cones in the water in races and competitions. Yes, the same planes are still in civilian service to this day. Something just under 17,000 were built. 287 are reported to still be alive and accounted for, 147 of which are still flyable, including one formerly owned by Jack Roush, whose name I promise you will hear in an "Automotive Pr0ns" post now that I think of it researching for this post.

I've excited myself to the point of babbling, so let me show you some pictures.

I have written plenty enough this month, and I am still not sure I am done with the remainder of today and 3 more behind it.
This gallery can be found right here.


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